Conferences & Workshops

Past Conferences & Proceedings

YHMA occasionally hosts conferences and workshops as part of its efforts to build a learning environment for history and culture and the development of skills and best practices in the heritage sector. The following proceedings from past conferences are available:

We are currently working on transcribing the proceedings of our most recent conference, Our Trails Bring Us Together / Haa deiyí wóoshxh haa ła.ât / Łä̀chʼi tän kwaäga dūjal du / Nehtǟn anāy lazhi’ dūnyana yē nǟts’eddhat / Dahtene yèh shī̀dèł / Nitąy łits’ą̈̀’ në̀näjèl / Nos chemins nous rassemblent, held October 24-27, 2019. This workshop marked the 150th anniversary of the drawing of the Kohklux Map. Want to learn more about the Kohklux Map? You can download our 1995 publication, The Kohklux Maphere (PDF, 10 MB).