This impressive log building in “downtown” Faro is the place to go for tourist information and interesting displays on the Campbell Region’s history, geology and wildlife. The helpful interpretive staff can tell you everything you need to know for a great time in the area. This includes the location of trails, attractions, fishing holes, scenic drives and the best spots to view Sandhill Cranes and the unique Fannin sheep in the spring and fall. The centre also presents regular free guided walks and talks on the region’s many fascinating heritage features. Visitors who fancy a free round on the town’s “urban” nine-hole golf course can borrow a set of clubs from the centre.
Campbell Street
Faro, YT Y0B 1K0
Daily, 10 am – 5 pm
June to August
Daily, 9 am – 6 pm
Daily, 10 am – 5 pm
(867) 994-2288
(867) 994-2728
Web site: