The Yukon Heritage Symposium is an annual gathering for the Yukon heritage community.
The Symposium provides an opportunity to meet and connect with others actively involved in the heritage sector across the Territory–from those working in museums and cultural centres, to heritage planners, historians and others. It’s a chance to meet new colleagues and catch up with old ones, be inspired by new ideas and trends from outside of the Territory, and share knowledge and best practices on what works in the Yukon.
Heritage practitioners face significant and varied challenges across the Territory. Every day, Yukoners are finding innovative, creative and practical solutions to these issues. The Yukon Heritage Symposium is structured to encourage peer exchange on a number of topics and current issues of interest to the Yukon heritage community. By strengthening our community ties and drawing from best practices and lessons learned, the Yukon heritage community can work together to continue to inspire and share a passion for Yukon heritage.
2023 Symposium
We are pleased to announce the schedule for our 2023 Yukon Heritage Symposium on Wednesday, October 18 at Da Kų Cultural Centre! The event will run from 10 am to 4 pm. Lunch and snacks will be provided.
We hope to see you in Haines Junction! You can register (free of charge!) here until end of day on Friday, October 13. If you would like to register after that, please contact us at info@heritageyukon.ca.
- 10:00-10:15 Welcome and Opening Remarks
- 10:15-11:15 Session 1
- Linda Johnson and Richard Lawrence (Yukon Council of Archives): Preserving Yukon’s Film and Video Heritage – Report on Findings to Date
- Angélique Bernard: New Ways of Presenting History
- Michael Gates and Kathy Jones-Gates: Researching the History of the Yukon Order of Pioneers
- 11:15-11:30 Morning Break
- 11:30-12:15 Session 2
- Peggy D’Orsay (Hidden Histories Society Yukon): Venturing North: photo album of life in the Yukon
- Tagish/Denke Connections Group
- 12:15-1:15 Lunch
- 1:15-2:35 Session 3
- Sylvie Binette and Angélique Bernard (Société d’histoire francophone du Yukon): Société d’histoire francophone du Yukon: Milestones and innovation
- Harmony Hunter (Yukon First Nations Culture and Tourism Association): Walk With Us – Respectful Travel Guidelines
- Gwen Kovachik-MacNeil: Privileging YFN voices in Education
- Lianne Maitland (YHMA): Update from Yukon Historical & Museums Association – the Reconsidering Museums and Heritage Reset Projects
- 2:35-2:250 Afternoon Break
- 2:50-3:15 Session 4
- Max Fraser: What to do about contemporary history?
- 3:15-4:00 Open Forum
Presentations from previous years
2015 Yukon Heritage Symposium – Event Program .pdf
Community blogging in Yukon museums -Sylvie Binette.pdf
Digital Preservation – David Schlosser.pdf