Building Location:
5215 Fifth Avenue
Whitehorse, YT
Location Context:
The removal of this house is indicative of a trend towards moving many of the residences in the Main Street area to make way for commercial buildings. This site is now the location of the Pine Medical Clinic. Refer to the Greenough House; the W.S. Drury House; the Watson House
One-storey Frame House

Architectural History:
The 1-1/2 storey frame structure with a gable roof consisted of five sections. The exterior was covered with an assortment of wood siding.
An addition of a tent, which was later framed in, became the kitchen. Another addition was a south-facing façade.
Cultural History:
This house is believed to have been one of the first frame houses constructed in Whitehorse. It was located on the NW corner of Main Street and Fifth Avenue, where the Pine Medical Clinic now stands. In the spring of 1900, the house was one of four frame buildings. It stood for many years as a frame building with a tent attached to the rear until the tent portion was framed into a kitchen area. This building is also known as the Catholic Rectory. Nine boarders occupied the small house in 1900. Joseph Clifton, a postal clerk, occupied the house until 1917. The Galpin family were the next occupants until the house was purchased by W.L. Phelps in 1926. It was at one point occupied by the well-know Whitehorse citizen Lilias Farley. Its most recent use was as rental housing.
The house was removed from the site in 1981 and eventually relocated to the City Compound, and after suffering extensive deterioration, was demolished in 1993. It was recommended by the YHMA and Heritage Branch that a non-profit society undertake the restoration of the house, but because of the degradation of the building this option was largely inhibitive.
Biographical Information:
Lilias Farley:
- b. Ottawa 1907, came to the Yukon in 1948.
- 1929 graduated from Vancouver School of Decorative and Applied Arts
- 1937, designed first stewardess uniform for Air Canada (Trans-Canada Airlines)
- taught until 1972
- made the painted plaster mural entitled “History of Yukon” which hung in Federal building.
- died on August 2, 1989.