Historical Buildings

This information is adapted from the Whitehorse Heritage Buildings Register compiled by Tony Zedda and Glenda Koh. The following list is in alphabetical order. Go here to view them ordered by decade. To learn about historic buildings in other communities, visit the Yukon Register of Historic Places.

98 Hotel
Berrigan Cabins
Blaker House
Burns Building
C.P. Air Pan Abodes
Cane House
Captain Campbell House
Captain Coghlan House
Captain Martin House
Chambers House
Chantler House
Chinery House
Cyr House
Donnenworth House
Drury House
Earle House
Eldon House
Elliott House
Farley House
Firth House
Garside House
Grant House
Greenough House
Hangar C
Harvey House
Homer House
Hubbard & Elliott General Store
Ike Taylor House
Klondike Airways Building
Krautschneider House
Langholtz Cabin & Fox Pens
Log Skyscrapers
Mah Bing Cabin
Mast House
McKinnon House
McPherson House
Miller House
O’Connor House
Old Firehall
Old Legion Hall
Old Log Church
Old Log Rectory
Palmer House
Pioneer Cemetery
Pioneer Hotel
Red (Roy) Piercy Cabin
Reddick House
Roberts House
Rosenburg House
Ryder House
S & A Club Café
S.S. Klondike II
Sam McGee’s Cabin
Scott House
Sewell House
Smith House
T.C. Richards Building
Taylor & Drury Building
Taylor & Drury Employee Residence
Taylor House
The Telegraph Office
The W.S. Drury House
The Watson/Huebschwerlen House
The White Pass & Yukon Route Railway Depot
The Whitney Black Silver Fox Farm
The Widdershin House
The Yukon Theatre
Tung Lock Restaurant
Whitehorse Inn